N-Type ABC

Neostar Series


Up to 23.3 %

Full Black Design

No grid lines on the front

Higher Power Output

Higher efficiency: 23.3%
Lower degradation: 1 year ≤1.0%, 2-30 Year≤ 0,35%
Better temperature coefficient: 0.26% /°C

Optimized Balance of Stystem (BOS)

Significant savings on mounting structure, cabling and labour cost

  • Complete Set of Quality Management System

    IEC 61730 (2016)   IEC 61215 (2021)
    ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System
    ISO 1400: 2015 Environmental Management System
    ISO 4500: 2018 Occupational Safety and Management System

    * Product warranty extendable to 25 years, applies to Europe and Australia

Verkauf 440 W 440 W Modul + Unterkonstruktion (Bestand)
Modulanzahl 2 4 10 24 36
Unterkonstruktion 2 4 10 24 36
Aktionspreis in € 242,03 463,80 1081,58 2595,92 3894,45